We are working with local Aacharyas to reintroduce practices such as Upanayanam, Sandhya Vandanam, and traditional festival and temple rituals. By engaging the community in preserving cultural heritage fosters pride and benefits society globally. It encourages cultural awareness and connection to roots.

Temple Management

We perform our seva to the heart of our village, a  temple during significant festivals like Mahashivaratri, Ram Navami, and Hanuman Janmutsav. Volunteers perform sacred rituals such as Abhishekam, Archan, and Shringar, invoking the deity’s grace and honouring traditions. The temple resonates with sacred music, creating a soulful melody of devotion, underlining our dedication and reverence.

Gauseva and Gaurakshan

Guided by the Bhagavad Gita’s teaching, “गावो विश्वस्य मातरः” (Cows are the mothers of the universe), our Gau Seva initiative focuses on rehabilitating abandoned and stray cows, providing them a safe haven to thrive. Through workshops and awareness campaigns, we aim to revive traditional practices that emphasise harmony with nature and welfare for all living beings.

Temple Management

सत्यमेकं परो धर्मः सत्यमेकं परं तपः। सत्यमेकं परं ज्ञानं सत्ये धर्मः प्रतिष्ठितः।।

The truth is the highest form of duty, penance, and knowledge, and the very foundation of dharma is rooted in truth.

Our truth lies in serving our village and equipping our children with the knowledge of Dharma.

The ceremonies are enriched by sacred rituals such as Abhishekam, Archan, and Shringar, conducted by our devoted volunteers under the canopy of divine blessings. With each offering, we invoke the deity’s grace, honouring the age-old traditions passed down through generations.

The temple resonates with the melodious strains of sacred music, crafted using traditional instruments, creating a soulful harmony. These hallowed halls are infused with musical compositions that embody our devotion as we surrender to the divine.

Reflecting on the ancient Sanskrit sloka: “यत्र योगेश्वरः कृष्णो यत्र पार्थो धनुर्धरः। तत्र श्रीर्विजयो भूतिर्ध्रुवा नीतिर्मतिर्मम॥” – “Wherever there is Krishna, the lord of yoga, and wherever there is Arjuna, the supreme archer, there prosperity, victory, exceptional power, and morality are assured.” This verse from the Bhagavad Gita encapsulates our sacred service, guiding us on our path to righteousness and prosperity.

As the evening unfolds, we extend our goodwill to all, concluding the day’s festivities with Anna Danam, a humble offering of nourishment to the worshipers. Through this act of devotion, hearts are united in celebration, transcending caste, creed, and community boundaries.

Gauseva and Gaurakshan

Gau Seva: Serving the Sacred Cow

“मातरः सर्वभूतानां गावः सर्वसुखप्रदाः”

Gau Seva, the practice of serving and protecting cows, is deeply rooted in Bharatiya culture and aligns with the principles of Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS). Our NGO is dedicated to this noble cause, recognizing the cow as a symbol of abundance, fertility, and peace.

Gau Seva transcends mere duty—it is a heartfelt commitment. Our volunteers engage in various activities to ensure the well-being of cows, including providing nutritious feed, maintaining clean and spacious shelters, and offering medical care. These efforts promote the holistic health of cows, which are considered sacred and integral to both our agricultural and cultural heritage.

Our initiatives also include educating the community about the importance of cows in sustainable farming and environmental conservation. As stated in the Bhagavad Gita: “गावो विश्वस्य मातरः”, we conduct workshops and awareness campaigns to revive traditional practices that emphasise harmony with nature and welfare for all living beings.

A key aspect of our work is the rehabilitation of abandoned and stray cows. We provide these animals with a safe haven where they can thrive in peace, receiving dedicated care and attention. Gau Seva’s commitment is rooted in the timeless wisdom of ancient texts that extol the virtues of serving cows.