विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयात् याति पात्रताम् पात्रत्वात् धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं तथः सुखम् ॥

~ Knowledge gives humility, from humility comes worthiness, from worthiness one acquires wealth, and from wealth (one does) good deeds, thereby attaining happiness.

We, are a registered non-Government organisation. We envisions to spread the awareness of Bharatiya wisdom and make the knowledge of Vedas, Shastras, Puranas accessible to the learners.

We aim to bridge the gap between the traditional knowledge and its modern day applications focusing on research and education on larger scale building and encouraging a culturally aware mindset.

Empowering Rural Bhaarat through Education, Agriculture, and Revival of traditional practices.

Now, What is the need for the kind of education that is inclusive of the knowledge of Bharatiya Tradition of education?

Today’s education system, although at a remarkable landmark, lacks a holistic approach and cultural awareness. The development of values and the acquisition of skills to deal with various personal life challenges must be the part of education system. As evidently Gurukula system of education addresses all the Biological, Psychological, Social and Spiritual aspects creating platforms for holistic development keeping dharma at its core.

Our approach is empowered with the following ideologies inspired from Bharatiya Knowledge systems along with imparting modern education keeping in mind the contemporary needs