In the early days of January 2024, Bhuwwaneshvari Pathashala took a unique step toward reviving ancient Indian traditions through a Mugdar Training program led by Krishna Rajaganesan. This ancient practice of using weighted clubs, also known as “Mugdar,” is not only a physical workout but also a spiritual discipline that connects practitioners to the rich cultural and martial heritage of India.
The Mugdar Training sessions were designed to combine physical strength, mental discipline, and spiritual growth. The ancient technique of wielding the Mugdar was practiced by warriors in ancient times to build both physical strength and mental focus. Under Krishna Rajaganesan’s guidance, participants learned to balance their physical power with mindfulness, understanding that this ancient art form goes beyond the body and connects deeply with one’s energy and inner strength.
Throughout the course of the program, the students were introduced to various forms of Mugdar exercises that focus on improving flexibility, endurance, and concentration. These techniques, although primarily designed to strengthen the body, also helped participants develop resilience and a deep connection to the spiritual energy that runs through their body.
By the end of the Mugdar Training sessions, participants not only gained valuable fitness but also experienced a profound sense of connection to the ancient traditions that have shaped Indian culture. It was a powerful reminder that cultural preservation and personal growth go hand in hand, and through practices like Mugdar, the Pathashala could continue to pass down ancient wisdom to future generations.
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